
How Will Mayor Adams’ Cuts Affect NYC’s Housing and Buildings Agencies?

October 12, 2022 – Media Mention
Commercial Observer

Chair of Land Use & Zoning, Mitch Korbey, was quoted in an article from the Commercial Observer discussing New York Mayor Eric Adams budget cuts at city agencies. Mitch lamented how the cuts would affect the Department of City Planning. The article noted that Mich is a "[former] director of the agency’s Brooklyn office, he pointed out that DCP is a small agency that’s completely funded by the city. When it loses staff, developments take longer to get through the nine-month-long pipeline of approvals.

"An agency like City Planning, with a small staff and very little overhead, should - to the maximum extent possible - not be subject to cutbacks," Mitch said. "This is an agency that’s extremely lean, and it’s remarkable what they’re able to accomplish."

Mitch continued, "If you were to take the New York City Planning Department and compare it to Chicago, in planners per capita, it would be laughable if it weren’t so troubling and serious."

Read the full article in the Commercial Observer. Access may require a subscription.