Inwood’s Biggest Developer Says Scuttled Rezoning Will Upend Huge Affordable Housing Project
Partner and chair of Herrick's Land Use and Zoning Group, Mitch Korbey, was quoted in Crain's New York Business in an article discussing the court decision that nullified a 2018 rezoning of the Inwood area of Manhattan. The article focuses on the planned Inwood development by Taconic Investment Partners for a large residential project that was purchased in anticipation of the rezoning. The project has been in negotiation with the City's Department of Housing Preservation and Development for a package that would have permitted all the units in the planned development to be affordable, but the rezoning plan has been overturned and the future of the development is now in flux.
Mitch was quoted in the article saying, "Every time there’s a rezoning and an environmental impact statement, it can’t be subject to nullification because of a set of fine-grained environmental objections. This is an example of an activist judge siding up to a group of opponents after a long and robust public review process.”