Endangered Turtle Undetected, So BJ’s Development Enters Public Comment Period
Mitch Korbey was quoted in the Staten Island Advance when they reported that after extensive environmental review, no endangered turtles were found in the development site next to a wetland area in the Mariners Harbor section of the island. Because of this finding, the commercial development, led by Josifa LLC, will now proceed to public comment period. The planned site is 226,000 square feet of commercial space, which will contain a BJ’s Wholesale Club, gas station, parking, supermarket and other retail.
Land Use & Zoning Department Chair, Mitchell Korbey, represents the developer and is quoted in the article as saying, “[o]ur retail project was approved by the City Planning Commission and the City Council in 2017 after a careful and thorough review and vetting of all of the environmental and site planning issues. The State DEC also approved our site plan which fully preserves and protects the wetland areas.” Mitch also added that "the development will bring hundreds of good-paying jobs to Staten Islanders, and low-cost, convenient shopping."