Key Note Speaker at Turkey’s Real Estate Series Named “Executive of the Month” by the New York Real Estate Journal
Belinda Schwartz, a recent key note speaker at Herrick’s real estate events in Istanbul, Turkey on June 15 and 16, was featured in the New York Real Estate Journal as New York's Real Estate "Executive of the Month." The feature highlights Belinda's journey into real estate law, her notable transactions and the hands-on, collegial approach she takes in leading Herrick's 53-person real estate department. "We've built something special at Herrick. There's a genuine attitude that a rising tide lifts all boats, which resonates in everything we do," Schwartz said. "Every day we're working together to tackle thorny legal problems, and to give our clients a competitive advantage they wouldn't have anywhere else. We're a family, and that makes our job so much more enjoyable."