
Financial Fair Play Sanctions Succeeding In Limiting Teams’ Creative Spending

August 1, 2023 – Media Mention
Front Office Sports

Irwin Kishner, co-chair of Herrick's Sports Law Group, was quoted in an article in Front Office Sports discussing FIFA's Financial Fair Play rules.  

The article notes that there is a limit in the ability of international soccer teams to circumvent rules around spending limits, specifically noting fines and punishments doled out to European teams for violations of the rules. "The punishments are signals that UEFA is serious about curbing 'creative' accounting habits," Kishner told Front Office Sports. “To the extent that creativity comes in,” he explained, “I think it’s being somewhat limited now.” Kishner further speculated that the current punishments that were imposed were agreed to by all parties after some back-and-forth. “I strongly suspect these were cooperative resolutions and ultimately wound up in the right place,” he said.

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