
Defying Coronavirus Guidance on Gatherings Raises Legal Concerns for Teams

March 10, 2020 – Media Mention
Morning Consult

Dan Etna, co-chair of Herrick's Sports Law Group, was quoted in Morning Consult, on potential concerns for sports properties that continue to host thousands of fans at events amid concerns about the exposure to coronavirus. With respect to determining whether teams and leagues could be exposing themselves to potential litigation, Etna stated that local health authorities are likely to be extremely cautious, which may provide support for anyone trying to hold a facility or team responsible. Etna further noted that “teams would likely argue that fans know the risk of attending a large public gathering amid the outbreak, given the massive amount of media coverage of the coronavirus.” Fans often assume risks coming to sporting events, and "teams can take some solace in the fact that this is definitely out there front and center,” said Etna.