
Can NYC Revamp Its Archaic Commercial and Industrial Zoning?

January 16, 2024 – Media Mention
Commercial Observer

Mitch Korbey, chair of Herrick's Land Use & Zoning Practice, was quoted by the Commercial Observer in an article discussing a proposed update of the zoning for industrial, retail and commercial properties. This update would make it easier for businesses to grow or to locate in places they can’t now.

Mitch is quoted as saying, "Allowing commercial uses on separate parts of the same story or to locate above residences — this kind of flexibility is incredibly important." The article continues, "Allowing small commercial businesses near intersections on residentially zoned blocks also opens up more areas where bodegas, produce markets, and law and real estate offices can lease, he noted."

"The idea of allowing corner stores in residential neighborhoods, communities that are not served by grocery stores, pharmacies, banks," said Mitch. "Instead of having to do a rezoning which can take a long time, the idea of creating a new CPC authorization — it’s a more limited application to allow up to 2,500 square feet [and] would allow office and retail. Recognizing that people may be working closer to home, maybe living in the same building they’re working in. This will help with that, and I think it’s an important recognition of where we are in the economic climate."

Read the full article in the Commercial Observer. Access may require a subscription.