
SoHo/NoHo Rezoning Progress Report

October 29, 2020

Herrick’s Land Use & Zoning Team is following the progress of the Department of City Planning SoHo/NoHo Neighborhood Plan as it moves through the public review process. Earlier this month, City Planning announced a major milestone in the City’s rezoning effort of the SoHo/NoHo area.

The SoHo/NoHo Neighborhood Plan resulted from a six-month community planning processing sponsored by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Council Member Margaret Chin and the Department of City Planning that began in January 2019. Key recommendations from the Neighborhood Plan include reducing regulatory land use barriers to permit for ground floor retail and eating and drinking establishments, expanding the range of as-of-right compatible ground floor and cellar uses, and updating the Joint Live Work Quarters for Artists (JLWQA) regulations and process on facilities and artist certification. Below is a map of the SoHo/NoHo study area which outlines the distinct subdistricts. 

Map Provided by NYC Department of City Planning.

The proposed SoHo/NoHo rezoning would affect an approximately 63-block/155-acre area and expected to result in approximately 3,200 residential units (including 800 affordable units), 49,128 square feet of projected retail space and 19,598 square feet of projected community facility space.

The Department held a public informational seminar about the draft proposal and the environmental and public review process on October 26th. The video of the session can be viewed here. Building from the SoHo/NoHo Neighborhood Planning Goals of improving quality of life, encouraging neighborhood diversity, and promoting economic vitality, the Department explained the proposal is an opportunity to reflect and update zoning to provide more housing and affordable housing options while also giving arts and cultural organizations, retail and other businesses greater flexibility to adapt and succeed.

On October 28th, the Department published the Draft Scope of Work and the draft EIS. These documents provide details on the Neighborhood Plan proposal and potential environmental impacts and mitigation. The Public Scoping Meeting is scheduled for December 3rd from 2pm to 5pm. The Public Scoping Meeting provides an opportunity for neighborhood residents, community members and stakeholders to comment on the scope of the mandated environmental review – and to suggest ways that the review might be broadened to include proposed changes to the rezoning. The rezoning proposal is expected to enter the formal ULURP process in 2021.

On the morning of December 3rd, City Planning will share the link to join the Scoping Meeting.

For more information on this issue or other land use & zoning matters, please contact:
Mitchell A. Korbey at +1 212 592 1483 or [email protected]

© 2020 Herrick, Feinstein LLP. This alert is provided by Herrick, Feinstein LLP to keep its clients and other interested parties informed of current legal developments that may affect or otherwise be of interest to them. The information is not intended as legal advice or legal opinion and should not be construed as such.