
Milton Springut is a partner in Herrick's Litigation Department and the Intellectual Property and Technology Group.

Milton has nearly 30 years of practice, where he has been counsel in numerous patent, trade secret and computer law litigations. His clients have ranged from startups to Fortune 500 companies, on matters involving technologies such as computer processors, mobile payments, e-commerce, telephony, video systems and medical devices.

He has served as the full-service outside advisor to several internationally recognized luxury brands in their patent, design patent, copyright, trademark, and trade dress strategies. Milton has also successfully implemented procedures to combat the proliferation of counterfeit and gray goods, directing both investigations and legal proceedings.

Prior to joining Herrick, Milton was a partner at Moses & Singer LLP.

    Memberships & Associations

    • Co-Chair, IP Asset Presentation Panel - American Bankruptcy Institute
    • Trustee, American Foundation for the Blind
    • Co-Chair, Attorney/Investigator Task Force - International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition
    • Member, New York City Bar Association
    • Member, New York Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law Association
    • Chair, Software Piracy Panel - Software Publishers Association

    Milton frequently lectures on intellectual property matters before professional associations including the Alliance for Gray Market and Counterfeit Abatement (AGMA), Union de Fabricants (UNIFAB), the American Bankruptcy Institute (CoChair IP Asset Presentation Panel), the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (Co-Chair – Attorney/ Investigator Task Force), the American Intellectual Property Law Association, the Alliance for Gray Market and Counterfeit Abatement, the World Trade Institute, the Software Publishers Association (Chair – Software Piracy Panel) and the United States Customs Service.