Soloviev Group – Land Use & Entitlements for Freedom Plaza

Representing The Soloviev Group in the State Gaming Commission’s land use entitlement process for Freedom Plaza, a potential gaming facility, hotel and residential development on the East Side of Manhattan. Conceived by The Soloviev Group in a joint collaboration with Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, plans call for two new residential skyscrapers rising 50 to 60 stories tall with 1,325 apartments, including 513 affordable housing units, as well as two 51-story hotel towers with 1,200 guest rooms. A new 4.7-acre landscaped waterfront public open space, a below-grade casino and a museum would sit beneath the towers. The 6.5-acre property is one of the largest undeveloped plots in Manhattan, and is located along First Avenue between East 38th and East 41st Streets. Applications to the State Gaming Commission will be made in the Spring of 2025 and will include a series of public hearings by a to-be-formed Community Advisory Committee. Read more.