1960’s Singing Group – Trademark Infringement

Kelly v. Duprees MJA, LLC, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 40597 (D. N.J. March 23, 2012). Represented the Estate of Michael Arnone, a co-founder of the famous 1960's vocal harmony group The Duprees, and its assignee, Duprees MJA, in obtaining summary judgment dismissing all claims alleging fraud on the USPTO, common law trademark infringement and violation of the New Jersey "Truth in Music" Act. The case was brought by a former singer who had joined the Duprees group in 1964, two years after they already had their first major hits, and left the group in the late 1970s, never to perform again. The dismissal on the merits brings to a close a six-year battle over the rights to the DUPREES name and rejects the notion that early members of a performing group can claim rights in the group's name if they abandon the group without securing a partnership agreement to the contrary or a license.