
Shaping the City for the 21st Century: A Primer on New York City Zoning & Land Use

March 12, 2008
City Bar Center

This symposium focused on dynamic changes in the zoning and land use field including the impact of environmental concerns and Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC on new development regulations – such as new requirements for parking lot greening, street tree planting, LEED certification and storm water run-off mitigation requirements.

Panelists discussed the current status of changes to the 421-a incentive program and its effect on development. Regulatory issues particularly effecting development in Brooklyn and Queens, including community benefit agreements were also part of the conversation. Speakers included private practitioners and government representatives to provide both public and private perspectives on these changes.


  • Andrew M. Manshel, Senior Vice President Real Estate Development, Greater Jamaica Development Corporation
  • Vicki Been, Elihu Root Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
  • Sandy Hornick, Deputy Executive Director for Strategic Planning, NYC Department of City Planning
  • Purnima Kapur, Director, Brooklyn Office of City Planning
  • Jerilyn Perine, Executive Director, Citizens Housing & Planning Council of New York
  • Carol E. Rosenthal, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
